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Love your cheese but don't need quite so much?


The Weekender Box is the perfect box for you. We have selected three of our finest English cheeses  for that smaller cheeseboard. Ideal for a Saturday night supper with a beautiful bottle of red. Or make it last across the whole weekend if you are able (we challenge you!). Alternatively, scoff it all on a Tuesday night!! We don't mind.


Minimum weight: 450g.

This box may contain unpasteurised cheese. If you cannot have unpasteurised cheese, please let us know and we can provide a suitable replacement.


We have curated three amazing cheeses for the Weeekender Box: Wordsworth, a nutty and creamy Gouda-style cheese from Dorset; Isle of Wight Soft, a beautiful brie-like cheese from across the water; and Lyburn's Stoney Cross, a mild and creamy, mould-ripened cheeses with a delightful earthy finish.


Sometimes one just isn't enough! Why not give our monthly option a go and receive a Weekender Box of cheese every month? Simply click the Monthly Weekender Box option on the right and cancel whenever suits you.

    Price Options
    One-time purchase
    Monthly Weekender
    £18.00every month until canceled
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